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How the 6 Types of Working Genius Helps Improve Our Teamwork at Font Awesome 

by Matt Johnson

Not to be braggy, but man, the folks at Font Awesome can get a lot done! There are lots of reasons why, of course. Coffee and raw talent definitely go a long way. And when Ed hits Balmer’s Peak at the Snuggle, woo, look out! But the right tools can help too. That’s where Patrick Lencioni’s Six Types of Working Genius comes in, and how this nifty framework helps us make better sense of our teamwork. 

Practical leadership training without the eye-roll-worthy trust fall exercises. 

Dave and Travis were first introduced to Patrick Lencioni’s Six Types of Working Genius when they attended a Table Group training. At first, they were like, “Leadership training? For a tech company? Really?” Fortunately, there was no need to hide in the bathroom when it was time to participate in the trust fall exercise because there were no goofy, woo-woo team-building activities to participate in.  

Instead, the Table Group’s approach was practical, fast, and relevant. During their initial training, Dave and Travis were heartened by what they were hearing: it’s not just about code and icons; it’s about the people and the trust they build as a team, together. 

Their decades-long hunch was confirmed — all along, the magic ingredient for productivity was a healthy team dynamic. With 6 Types of Working Genius, now they had some scaffolding to keep the magic ingredient front and center in the recipe of what makes Font Awesome work to not just survive, but thrive, all while keeping things fun and nerdy.

Breaking Down the WIDGET Acronym: Understanding the 6 Types of Working Genius

We all know that no business coaching method is complete without a memorable acronym. Well, The 6 Types of Working Genius method is no different. The acronym WIDGET lays out a description of each of the working genius traits your teammates may be gifted in and how these traits can coalesce so the sum is greater than their individual parts. 

So, what is WIDGET, exactly? It’s Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, Tenacity. 

  • Wonder (W): These folks are the dreamers and ponderers. They’re all about seeing potential and asking the big “what if” questions.
  • Invention (I): The innovators. They love creating new ideas and solutions from scratch.
  • Discernment (D): The evaluators. They have an intuitive knack for figuring out what will work and what won’t.
  • Galvanizing (G): The motivators. These energizers rally the team and drive everyone into action.
  • Enablement (E): The helpers. They provide the support and assistance to turn ideas into reality.
  • Tenacity (T): The finishers. They push projects through to completion, making sure no loose ends are left hanging.

The Leadership Dynamic: Making Magic Happen with the Working Genius Framework

At Font Awesome, we’ve embraced the 6 Types of Working Genius framework to better understand our individual strengths and frustrations, which helps make our team more cohesive and productive. WIDGET is just an acronym after all, but it gives us a shared shorthand vocabulary and understanding of one another’s working strengths and working frustrations (notice, we didn’t say “working weakness.”)

Our leadership team isn’t just about having great individual players; it’s about how these players work together. Here’s how the six types of working genius help us at the top:

Wonder and Invention in Action: Leveraging Working Genius Traits

 Dave’s Wonder Bombs: Dave’s knack for Wonder shines during strategic planning and pitching phases. His ability to dream big and come up with new ideas has led to breakthroughs and kept our innovation pipeline flowing.

 Travis’s Invention Drive: As someone who thrives in Invention, Travis constantly pushes boundaries and refines ideas until they become actionable plans. His persistence is key during the early stages of project development.

From Ideas to Execution: Galvanizing, Discernment, and Tenacity for Success

Galvanizing the troops: Travis’s strength in Galvanizing means he’s great at rallying the team, ensuring that everyone is motivated and aligned with the project goals.

Discernment and tenacity for the win: Jory’s Discernment ensures that only the best ideas pass muster, while his Tenacity keeps projects on track so they get executed flawlessly. This dynamic ensures that our projects are not only innovative but also practical and well-implemented.

Empowering Roles: Enablement and Support in the 6 Types of Working Genius

Enablement heroes: Rob Madole and Lindsay Miller excel in Enablement, making sure everyone has the tools and support they need to succeed. Their roles are crucial, especially as the team grows and new challenges arise.

The Power of Discernment: Insightful Decision Making with the Working Genius Framework

Lindsay’s insightful eye: Lindsay’s genius in Discernment has been invaluable in design decisions, ensuring that every choice is thoughtful and well-considered. Her ability to see the bigger picture and the fine details helps the team avoid pitfalls and stay on track.

Navigating Challenges Together: Balancing Frustrations with Working Genius

Balancing the inevitable frustrations: Understanding our working frustrations helps us support each other better, too. For instance, knowing that Enablement is a frustration for both Dave and Travis, we ensure they have the right team members, like Rob and Lindsay, who excel in providing support and smoothing out the process.

At Font Awesome, sometimes the 6 Types of Working Genius / WIDGET framework can seem like only a theoretical model; but when we lean into the wisdom we’ve gleaned from Table Group, it becomes a practical tool that helps us improve our collaboration, pump-up our strengths, and helps us deal with our working frustrations constructively. By embracing our unique working geniuses and understanding how to complement each other, we’re able to create amazing products and maintain a healthy, productive work environment. Especially when Ed hits that Balmer’s Peak. (Jk, jk ; ) 

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